Friday, August 20, 2010

Excited about new beginnings!

Well...a new school year is right around the corner!!  I thought I would try to BLOG for the first time ever and keep an account of our year!  So here it goes!!  I am so excited!!  We will have 2 seniors and a first grader this year!!  Sierrah, now 18,  has decided to stay at Bellville High school so she can express herself through dance.  She will be dancing with the drill team every Friday night at half time football games!!  If you aren't busy, come on out and see her perform!  She is also working on a solo dance for competition in the Spring! 

Sawyer, 17 on the 25th of this month, has decided not to attend Texas Bible Institute and graduate with his homeschool class of 2011!  Books are bought and classes are set up!  Most have been outsourced, which makes it much easier on me!!  (And he gets to get out of the house & have classes with other kids!!)  He is loving being a part of our church praise and worship team and eager to learn more songs to play on the guitar and keyboard!  He is currently looking for a job...but has been loving hanging out with one of his best hasn't looked to hard!! 

Seth, 6, and headed to first grade!  It will be an extremely fun year for us!  All curriculum is in...complete with art!!  (If you know Seth...this is one of his favorite subjects)....and it looks exciting!  He is so ready to absorb all we have for him!!  Hopefully it won't be a challenge to get him focused...especially since he has a love for his brother and xbox!!  We plan on going on lots of field trips, park play days & show-n-tell with the other homeschool kids!! 

Yes....I can honestly say I am looking forward to beginning our year and watching each one of them grow, physically, spiritually and mentally!  Good things are to come :)  JJ is finishing up his second semester of online school!!  He has two more to go and then about 4 classes to attend at the local jr. college!  So, it looks like we will have three in college as of next fall!! LOL!!  Who knows where we will be by then!  Taking it one day at a time:) 

As for me...I will be starting a Bible study on Thursday, September 9, at our church in Brenham!  Looking forward to that as well!  I am grateful and thankful for where God has placed me at this time in my life...A wife, a mother, a daughter, a sister, a teacher, a friend and all that those jobs entail!  I must is good when we keep our focus on HIM.